Friends of the Riverline District
Leaders from across our community have come together as the Friends of the Riverline District to create an opportunity for our community to dream about what the next chapter of our downtown will look like.
Alex Jensen, Sioux Falls City Council
Arin Gonseth, MarketBeat
Bob Mundt, Sioux Falls Development Foundation
Bob Sutton, Avera Health
Brendan Reilly, Davenport Evans
Brian Skrovig, CO-OP Architecture
Cale Feller, Avera Health
Chris Thorkelson, Lloyd Companies
Curt Soehl, SIoux Falls City Council
Cynthia Mickelson, Sioux Falls School Board
Dan Statema, First Dakota Bank / Loft Advisors
Erica Mullaly, Cresten Capital
Erin Fujimoto, Tommy John
Jeff Griffin, Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce
Jesse Smith, Sanford Health
Joe Batcheller, Downtown Sioux Falls
Jordan Hartshorn, Hart 2 Hart, Inc.
Julie Ward, Avera Health
Keith Severson, retired / Eide Bailly
Kevin Tupy, Cresten Capital
Leo Diaz, Atlas Academy
Lynne Forbes, Southeastern Council of Governments & Dakota Business Finance
Matt Paulson, MarketBeat
Max Sandlin, Mercury Public Affairs
Micah Aberson, Mammoth Sports
Mike Begeman, retired / Sanford Health
Mike Gray, Sioux Falls Development Foundation
Mike Lynch, Forward Sioux Falls
Miles Beacom, Premier Bankcard
Mayor Paul TenHaken, City of Sioux Falls
Randy Knecht, Journey Companies
Reggie Kuipers, Bender Commercial Real Estate
Rhonda Lockwood, Lockwood Law
Teri Schmidt, Experience Sioux Falls
Thomas Lee, Sioux Falls Sports Authority
Tom Bosch, Avera Health
Tom Hurlbert, CO-OP Architecture
Tony Nour, First Premier Bank
Tyler Blake, Wake by Tyler Blake
Vince Jones, Woods Fuller